Image Management

You must have heard, "Never judge a book by its cover."However, people judge you in a matter of seconds and based on this first impression they decide everything about you. Projecting a winning image to create a powerful first impression is the key to success in personal, professional, and social life. A person's image is a combination of various factors and image management is the only science that provides comprehensive solutions to create an enhanced image, an image that perfectly presents you. The best investment you can ever make is in yourself, so go ahead and get ready to embrace the change!

Before we find a solution to any problem, it is important to nail down the problem. This session is about need analysis and understanding your current status, to be able to identify the areas of improvement that image management can help you address. Sometimes later becomes never, so do it now!

“Style is very personal. It has nothing to do with fashion. Fashion is over quickly. Style is forever”-Ralph Lauren

It is very important to project an image that is the real you and not a version of someone else. Every individual has a personal style based on their unique set of values, lifestyle and traits. However, it is an involved process to identify the same. The main goal of this session is to give you absolute clarity about your style, create outfits that resonate with your personality and make you look fabulous.

So, don’t wait, connect with me and discover your very own signature style!

“Opening up your closet should be like arriving at a really good party where everyone you see is someone you like.”- Amy Collins

Whenever we open our wardrobes, most of us feel, “I have nothing to wear”. However, the truth is more than half of our clothes never get a chance to make an appearance. It can be overwhelming and frustrating to invest precious time and money in a wardrobe that does not make you feel good.

In your wardrobe refresh session, I will help you organize, style, de-clutter and create a flattering wardrobe with clothing & accessories that reflect your personality and your unique signature style.

“The best colour in the whole world is the one that looks good on you.”-Coco Chanel

Colors play a crucial role in not only look attractive but they also reflect your mood, especially the colours that you wear near your face, in clothes and accessories. Colours have a direct influence on the way you look. When they harmonize with your natural appearance, you look younger, brighter and healthier.

In this session, I will guide you in colours that enhance and accentuate your personality. You will also receive a detailed color palette of your complementing colours along with examples of how to use & combine them with suggested accessories.

“Beauty is about being comfortable in your own skin. It’s about knowing and accepting who you are.”-Ellen DeGeneres.

Dressing well is more than just having good taste and style. It is also about knowing your body, knowing what works and what doesn’t work for your body shape. The aim is to have a wardrobe that flatters your figure and reflects your unique style.

In this session, I will evaluate your body shape and give you suggestions on how to dress up to look your best!

“Good grooming is integral, and impeccable style is a must. If you don’t look the part, no one will want to give you time or money.”
-Daymond John.

First impressions matter and it is no secret that how you dress can leave a lasting impression on others.

It is important to be conscious of what the norms and styles are in your profession and adapt accordingly. Dressing well can’t get you promoted but not dressing well will work against you.

In this session, I will take you through the effective use of the style scale to understand the language of clothes.

“Buy less, Choose well, Make it last.”-Vivienne Westwood

Do you wear the same clothing combinations again and again? Don’t know which other colours and styles fit you? You don’t like shopping or shopping alone stresses you out?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, you need a personal shopping consultant. Based on your colours, proportions and fit, I will help you find the right clothes that emphasize your true style and allow you to wear new exciting style combinations.

“Looking good isn’t self-importance; it’s self-respect.”- Charles Hix

Proper grooming accentuates your personality like nothing else and creates a positive impression! How you present yourself can have a significant impact on your life. Without proper grooming, even the most expensive clothes fail to impress.

In this session, I will coach you on personal grooming, corrective makeup as per your face shape, skincare and hygiene.

I will also give you tips on makeup shopping including information on latest brands.

“A man’s manners are a mirror in which he shows his portrait.”- Goethe

Fine dining has increasingly become an integral part of any social or business interaction. Display of the right etiquette goes a long way in establishing your credibility and reputation. Knowing how to act & behave appropriately not only makes you comfortable and confident but also gives you a sense of security. Dining etiquette is certainly a worthy skill to add to your repertoire!

This session includes dining etiquette training along with a fine dining practical.

Image Management

You must have heard, "Never judge a book by its cover."However, people judge you in a matter of seconds and based on this first impression they decide everything about you. Projecting a winning image to create a powerful first impression is the key to success in personal, professional, and social life. A person's image is a combination of various factors and image management is the only science that provides comprehensive solutions to create an enhanced image, an image that perfectly presents you. The best investment you can ever make is in yourself, so go ahead and get ready to embrace the change!

Image purview

Before we find a solution to any problem, it is important to nail down the problem. This session is about need analysis and understanding your current status, to be able to identify the areas of improvement that image management can help you address. Sometimes later becomes never, so do it now!

Discover your signature style

“Style is very personal. It has nothing to do with fashion. Fashion is over quickly. Style is forever”-Ralph Lauren

It is very important to project an image that is the real you and not a version of someone else. Every individual has a personal style based on their unique set of values, lifestyle and traits. However, it is an involved process to identify the same. The main goal of this session is to give you absolute clarity about your style, create outfits that resonate with your personality and make you look fabulous.

So, don’t wait, connect with me and discover your very own signature style!

Wardrobe refresh

“Opening up your closet should be like arriving at a really good party where everyone you see is someone you like.”- Amy Collins

Whenever we open our wardrobes, most of us feel, “I have nothing to wear”. However, the truth is more than half of our clothes never get a chance to make an appearance. It can be overwhelming and frustrating to invest precious time and money in a wardrobe that does not make you feel good.

In your wardrobe refresh session, I will help you organize, style, de-clutter and create a flattering wardrobe with clothing & accessories that reflect your personality and your unique signature style.

Color analysis

“The best color in the whole world is the one that looks good on you.”-Coco Chanel

Colors play a crucial role in not only look attractive but they also reflect your mood, especially the colours that you wear near your face, in clothes and accessories. Colours have a direct influence on the way you look. When they harmonize with your natural appearance, you look younger, brighter and healthier.

In this session, I will guide you in colours that enhance and accentuate your personality. You will also receive a detailed color palette of your complementing colours along with examples of how to use & combine them with suggested accessories.

Body shape analysis

“Beauty is about being comfortable in your own skin. It’s about knowing and accepting who you are.”-Ellen DeGeneres.

Dressing well is more than just having good taste and style. It is also about knowing your body, knowing what works and what doesn’t work for your body shape. The aim is to have a wardrobe that flatters your figure and reflects your unique style.

In this session, I will evaluate your body shape and give you suggestions on how to dress up to look your best!

Dress for success

“Good grooming is integral, and impeccable style is a must. If you don’t look the part, no one will want to give you time or money.”
-Daymond John.

First impressions matter and it is no secret that how you dress can leave a lasting impression on others.

It is important to be conscious of what the norms and styles are in your profession and adapt accordingly. Dressing well can’t get you promoted but not dressing well will work against you.

In this session, I will take you through the effective use of the style scale to understand the language of clothes.

Personal shopping

“Buy less, Choose well, Make it last.”-Vivienne Westwood

Do you wear the same clothing combinations again and again? Don’t know which other colours and styles fit you? You don’t like shopping or shopping alone stresses you out?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, you need a personal shopping consultant. Based on your colours, proportions and fit, I will help you find the right clothes that emphasize your true style and allow you to wear new exciting style combinations.

Finishing touch

“Looking good isn’t self-importance; it’s self-respect.”- Charles Hix

Proper grooming accentuates your personality like nothing else and creates a positive impression! How you present yourself can have a significant impact on your life. Without proper grooming, even the most expensive clothes fail to impress.

In this session, I will coach you on personal grooming, corrective makeup as per your face shape, skincare and hygiene.

I will also give you tips on makeup shopping including information on latest brands.

Dining etiquette

“A man’s manners are a mirror in which he shows his portrait.”- Goethe

Fine dining has increasingly become an integral part of any social or business interaction. Display of the right etiquette goes a long way in establishing your credibility and reputation. Knowing how to act & behave appropriately not only makes you comfortable and confident but also gives you a sense of security. Dining etiquette is certainly a worthy skill to add to your repertoire!

This session includes dining etiquette training along with a fine dining practical.