Soft skills

Image consulting focuses on the impact a person makes personally and professionally. However, image is more than just physical appearance. People also form impressions based on how you behave and communicate. It is very important to understand that it is just not about how you look, it is about how you present yourself.

As per Einstein,"If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough."

To achieve this, good communication skills are the key. We need to take advantage of every opportunity to practice our communication skills so that when the situation arises, we have the gift, the style, the sharpness, the clarity and the emotions to affect others.

In this session, we will discuss about:

• Vocal communications such as voice, grammar and vocabulary.
• Non-verbal communications such as handshakes, posture and eye contact.
• Etiquette which includes business etiquette, social graces and dining etiquette.

“Be so good that they can’t ignore you.”- Steve Martin

A job interview is not a test of your knowledge but your ability to use it at the right time.

We all know how the word “interview” gets us into a stressful state and we all have faced it several times in our lives. The most important thing to get the desired job is to ensure that you are fully prepared for an interview. Interview preparation helps you feel in control, calm and collected.

In this session, I will give you top tips to appear impressive in your upcoming interview.

“ Every interpersonal situation has a solution in which everyone wins.”- Del Close

At first glance, You might think that communication and interpersonal skills are the same however, believe me, they are completely different terms. Interpersonal skills are the skills we use everyday when we communicate and interact with other people both individually and in groups. These skills are extremely important for creating and maintaining meaningful personal relationships at work.

In this session, I will coach you about the various interpersonal skills which will help you build a healthy relationship with your colleagues and work better as a team.

“It takes months to find a customer…seconds to lose one.”-Vince Lombardi

A good conversation is key for effective call handling with customers. These conversations are important as they improve relationships and ultimately strengthen a business. Telephone contact is often the first means of communication with your customer and therefore this experience must create the right first impression.

With personal experience of having trained call centre professionals, I believe it is not what you say, but how you say it that matters the most. In this session, I will coach you on some very crucial tips on how to win customers over the phone.

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression.”-Will Rogers.

First impressions last well beyond that moment and therefore first 30 seconds of any interaction is very important. An opinion formed in those golden seconds will last for a long time. This stands true for an interview, business relationship or any other casual meeting. Most of the inferences we draw about people in those precious moments do not change - often it will command our impression about the individual for any future interaction.

In this session, I will guide you on important tips on how to master the art of creating a positive first impression.

“Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot.”- Clarence Thomas

Business etiquette is a set of social, professional, and cultural behaviours that are the acceptable norm in any workplace. It is important to understand what these norms are and how to adapt to them, particularly as etiquettes may vary from one environment to another.

Good business etiquette is a valuable skill set that will make you stand out from others and enhance your chances of success.

In this session, we will discuss what etiquettes, the business or corporate world expects from their employees and what you should do to meet their expectations.

Soft skills

Image consulting focuses on the impact a person makes personally and professionally. However, image is more than just physical appearance. People also form impressions based on how you behave and communicate. It is very important to understand that it is just not about how you look, it is about how you present yourself.

Let’s talk!

As per Einstein,"If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough."

To achieve this, good communication skills are the key. We need to take advantage of every opportunity to practice our communication skills so that when the situation arises, we have the gift, the style, the sharpness, the clarity and the emotions to affect others.

In this session, we will discuss about:

• Vocal communications such as voice, grammar and vocabulary.
• Non-verbal communications such as handshakes, posture and eye contact.
• Etiquette which includes business etiquette, social graces and dining etiquette.

Let’s Nail It!

“Be so good that they can’t ignore you.”- Steve Martin

A job interview is not a test of your knowledge but your ability to use it at the right time.

We all know how the word “interview” gets us into a stressful state and we all have faced it several times in our lives. The most important thing to get the desired job is to ensure that you are fully prepared for an interview. Interview preparation helps you feel in control, calm and collected.

In this session, I will give you top tips to appear impressive in your upcoming interview.

Interpersonal skills

“ Every interpersonal situation has a solution in which everyone wins.”- Del Close

At first glance, You might think that communication and interpersonal skills are the same however, believe me, they are completely different terms. Interpersonal skills are the skills we use everyday when we communicate and interact with other people both individually and in groups. These skills are extremely important for creating and maintaining meaningful personal relationships at work.

In this session, I will coach you about the various interpersonal skills which will help you build a healthy relationship with your colleagues and work better as a team.

Tele-Call handling skills

“It takes months to find a customer…seconds to lose one.”-Vince Lombardi
A good conversation is key for effective call handling with customers. These conversations are important as they improve relationships and ultimately strengthen a business. Telephone contact is often the first means of communication with your customer and therefore this experience must create the right first impression.

With personal experience of having trained call centre professionals, I believe it is not what you say, but how you say it that matters the most. In this session, I will coach you on some very crucial tips on how to win customers over the phone.

Art of first impression

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression.”-Will Rogers.

First impressions last well beyond that moment and therefore first 30 seconds of any interaction is very important. An opinion formed in those golden seconds will last for a long time. This stands true for an interview, business relationship or any other casual meeting. Most of the inferences we draw about people in those precious moments do not change - often it will command our impression about the individual for any future interaction.

In this session, I will guide you on important tips on how to master the art of creating a positive first impression.

Business etiquette

“Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot.”- Clarence Thomas

Business etiquette is a set of social, professional, and cultural behaviours that are the acceptable norm in any workplace. It is important to understand what these norms are and how to adapt to them, particularly as etiquettes may vary from one environment to another.

Good business etiquette is a valuable skill set that will make you stand out from others and enhance your chances of success.

In this session, we will discuss what etiquettes, the business or corporate world expects from their employees and what you should do to meet their expectations.